Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Early Results in NH are in: McCain and Obama win

From ABC:

Residents of two tiny towns stayed up late to give Barack Obama and John McCain early victories in the New Hampshire presidential primary.

Voters in two small New Hampshire villages, Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, cast the initial ballots just after midnight Tuesday.

In Hart's Location, Democrat Obama received nine votes, Hillary Rodham Clinton received three and John Edwards received one. On the Republican side, McCain received six, Mike Huckabee received five, Ron Paul received four and Mitt Romney one.

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Anonymous said...

Dixville Notch Winners Are Counted, and T-Shirts, Hats, Stickers, Mugs, Buttons, Magnets, Bags, Mousepads, Postcards, Teddy Bears, Yard Signs, and more are available to support your favorite candidate:

'I Love Barack Obama'



'I Love John McCain'


Show your Love for Your Favorite Candidate!!!

Conservative Belle said...

Mike Huckabee received five

I really just don't understand this attraction to Huckabee, particularly in New Hampshire. I can understand Iowa, but NH???

Why? Why? Why?!!

Randolphus Maximus said...

I don't know CB, it's still early...every time I see Huck I always think "Clintonian"