Monday, December 10, 2007

This guy came within yards of the Von Maur Gunman

Joe's Crabby Shack: Firsthand account of the Von Maur shooting

NW came within yards of the gunman at the Von Maur shooting last week. He posted his account at Joe's Crabby Shack. The whole story is pretty good. But this struck me as the most honest observation by NW:

...I am not trying to be a hero and say that I would have tried to save lives. I am saying that I was trying to save my life, and if my family was there, their lives as well. There is nothing "hero" about what I am saying, it's about survival.

I feel that I am alive today because of luck. I chose to run, but it was not a choice. I was forced to run. Many will say that is the right choice. I say it is the choice that requires luck. ALOT of luck with the position I was in.

Use of deadly force at times may also require luck. But, it also depends upon skill, awareness, and practice. These are things I can control, and these are things I trust far more than luck...

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