Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Megan Fox is Hot

You know what takes my mind off of war, the falling dollar, our impending economic collapse, and our loss of civil liberties? Megan Fox in a bikini. Thank you Megan Fox.

More pics (rated PG13) of Megan over at Gorillamask

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Ron Simpson said...

I so totally agree. If my wife catches me looking at this, I am soooo in trouble.
But she is usda grade A prime quality.

The Swindle said...

Not my style... how do you feel about a Jessica Biel?

Randolphus Maximus said...

She's hot too. But a little too manly in that Blade movie. Nice pic though.

C.M. Strapz said...

I seem to remember catching Transformers with you, and you saying she wasn't that hot.

C.M. Strapz said...

Also - I'm assuming that the pic titled "jessica-biel-naked.jpg" is not work safe. :)

Randolphus Maximus said...

I don't recall seeing Megan in a swimsuit in Transformers. But she looks good in this picture (thankfully those stupid tattoos are obscured)

The Jessica Biel pic is her shirtless with her back towards the camera (PG 13 at most)