Monday, March 31, 2008

Dane Cook and Atheists

Vox Day asks atheists a question:

Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you, the atheist, are completely correct and there is no God. Let us postulate that religion is merely an evolutionary spandrel and religious faith is merely a crutch for the intellectually weak, crippled, and cowardly.

Now, what is the normal human being's opinion of the sort of individual who would purposefully kick out the crutch from a cripple who is leaning upon it? Indeed, what is your opinion of such an individual?
Here's Dane Cook (I know, but I actually chuckled) talking about his encounter with an atheist. Also pilfered from Vox Day:

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Conservative Belle said...

Oooooooh! That's a really good question to ask them. Some of them like to be so smug and superior when discussing Christians. That's a polite way to tell them to shut it.

Anonymous said...

Let us postulate that religion is merely an evolutionary spandrel and religious faith is merely a crutch for the intellectually weak, crippled, and cowardly.

Hi. I'm an atheist. Why does Vox Day believe that religious people are intellectually weak, crippled and cowardly? I certainly don't - many of my friends are very religious. So I'd love to answer the question, but unfortunately it doesn't make any sense.

The Swindle said...
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The Swindle said...
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The Swindle said...

I'm an agnostic, and personally I am really happy when I see a Christian (or whatever religion) represent their faith appropriately. My grandma is an excellent example of this. She is religious, goes to church every Sunday, but does not try to infringe on others' rights either as a result or in spite of anything regarding religion. Of course, compare this with the Ann Coulters, GW Bushs and Shirley Whatever-her-name is (the God Hates Fags lady) and unfortunately you see that the loudest people that purport themselves to be PR for Christianity are sub-human garbage only looking to push their values on others and more importantly curtail the rights of others.

Fortunately, even though they are the loudest, they are the minority.

Randolphus Maximus said...

@ Acuriousatheist:

Vox Day asks the question as an aside to the Dane Cook video and it's not that he believes that to be true, it's the argument that atheists make about people who believe in God.

There is only one person on TV or radio that I know of who regularly trashes people for their belief in God, that would be Bill Maher. To hear the way he talks, all of the assumptions that Vox Day concedes about atheists ring true.

Anonymous said...

I am an atheist and will give my answer to it.

Religion cripples an otherwise able person and then sells them a crutch.

Once you think about it, they all pretty much run that same con. Convince people that they are weak and feeble, that they are worthless and sinners, that they will go to hell unless they believe. They also seek out the most vulnerable in their time of greatest need and exploit their weakness, peddling whatever their particular brand of crazy.

Atheists point out that once you rid that gorilla of religious nonsense off your back, you can walk just fine on your own, no crutches needed. Think of it as faith-healing that works. said...

In my view one and all must glance at this.