Thursday, October 18, 2007

The TSA sucks at its job

From USA Today:

Security screeners at two of the nation's busiest airports failed to find fake bombs hidden on undercover agents posing as passengers in more than 60% of tests last year, according to a classified report obtained by USA TODAY.

It turns out that at LAX, the screeners there missed fake bombs 75% of the time. Don't you get the sinking feeling that the fake bombs that they used for the experiments were a bunch of candles tied together with a ticking alarm clock attached on top?

What is also interesting is that the private screeners (non TSA employees) at San Francisco airport were able to CATCH the fake bombs 80% of the time.

As if there wasn't enough evidence that the private sector works much better than the public sector in doing most things, add this to the list.

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1 comment:

Conservative Belle said...

As if there wasn't enough evidence that the private sector works much better than the public sector in doing most things, add this to the list.

Hear! Hear!