Curious how much money your candidate has raised?
Has all of the info for last quarter.
According to this article:
Ron Paul has raised a crapload of money since the first GOP debate:
Congressman Ron Paul’s donations have moved up - not by hundreds of thousands -
but by millions as a result of his debate performances and groundswell of
support on the Internet and in New Hampshire, observers close to the campaign
The move is especially impressive since as of March 31, 2007, he
had perhaps $500,000 on hand (see candidate estimates below
$5 million in 2 months? Let's see, when I'm not spamming online polls, I send money. My check for $2.5 million just cleared. Since me, Pat Buchanon and Bill Maher are Ron Paul's only supporters, that means Pat and Bill had to come up with the difference.
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