Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Democratization of Porn

The has a snippet about the tough times that the porn industry is going through right now (the whole post is here):

According to a New York Times article today, it has become more challenging to make money in the porn industry. Why? Thanks to online sites such as PornoTube and YouPorn (not work safe sites), porn enthusiasts have begun filming their own movies at home and uploading them to free sites. This shift in porn consumption has caused a 15 percent decline in pornographic video sales and rentals. And you thought music companies had it tough

So there's porn on the internet? And you can get it for free? Wow, I only use my high-speed internet connection to keep in contact with my friends and to do research on rehabilitating and raising orphaned panda bears...I could never imagine trying to do a google search on videos of college freshman sorority lesbian coeds on spring break in Cancun...I wouldn't have imagined that if you did that, you would get ANY results...

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