Sunday, May 22, 2005

Another Step

William Wallace Lear has taken another small step forward in exposing the income tax in this country for the fraud that it is. Read his story here.

I think that the income tax here in the United States will come down like the Berlin Wall. I don't know if anyone will see it coming; but when it happens, it will be a watershed moment. Let's pray that it comes sooner rather than later.

Bob Schultz and his group We the People seem to be making some good progress in trying to get the government accountable to the Constitution.

For anyone out there who wants to see what other people think about all of these tax protestors, check out

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Everything I need to know I Iearned in 8th Grade

Look how much "progress" we've made in 100 hundred years. Click on this link to see the 8th grade FINAL EXAM from an elementary school in Kansas in 1895. No wonder it was so rare for people to go to college back then. I wonder how many people graduating from college over the next few months would fare in taking this exam.

Lets hear it for government schools.

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Friday, May 20, 2005

Cameron Diaz

This site The Best Page in the Universe has a funny take on Cameron Diaz and her show on MTV called "Trippin". His criticism is right on about the show:

Of course, having a show in which the hosts prattle on and on about conservation and environmental causes, it makes you wonder how they're able to do it without sounding like giant hypocrites as they fly around on helicopters and jets, all while using enough electricity to power a small city. Simply put: they can't, but that doesn't stop them from trying.

The way they try to avoid this nagging ideological contradiction is by stating: "Trippin' has offset all the pollution created from energy use in making the show, to ensure that it would not contribute to global warming." They supposedly do this by buying "clean air credits." Great idea assholes, so instead of owning up to your shitty ideals and not polluting, you pay someone else not to pollute. Maybe we should all try to pay someone off every time we want to do something that might inconvenience us. I was going to go on a diet, but it's too hard, so I'm going to pay someone else to diet for me. I was going to do a show about community service, but doing the actual work was too inconvenient, so I'm going to pay someone to do it for me. Eat shit you elitist morons.


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Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Nuclear Option

If everything holds to true to form, the filibuster in the Senate Judiciary committee that has been going on over certain judicial nominees is going to end this week. It's about time. What is the point of having a majority if you are not going to exercise the associated power that comes with it? has been following the circus with the Judiciary Committee over the past four plus years.

Newsmax gives a breakdown of the procedure here

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That Shooting on TV

In the City of Long Beach, police officers are on video shooting a man to death this week. You can get the story here. That the guy died is terrible, but I always wonder about the circumstances that put someone in a position to get shot by the police. Chris Rock put out an informative video a few years back that everyone should watch so situations like this are minimized.

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Sunday, May 08, 2005

I love the 90's

It's hard to believe that President Clinton was in office over 10 years ago and we still can't get him out of the spotlight.

Robert Novak published a column this week that talks about an Independent Counsel that was convened back in the mid-nineties to investigate then Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros. The still unreleased report from Independent Counsel David Barrett supposedly has evidence that Secretary Cisneros was able to get a tax fraud investigation transferred from a regional office to Washington DC, where it was squashed. To me that seems to be business as usual. The thing that piqued my interest about the report is what Mr. Barrett was able to find out since his investigation is the first of the IRS with subpoena power. You can read Novak's column here.

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